Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Farmville Secrets Review - Keeps the Fun in Farmville

A person with no experience or farming knowledge would not expect to buy a farm and become an instant success. Not without a lot of help and guidance by those who do know how to be successful at farming. Why would someone expect to be able to do that in the game Farmville? It is a game, not a real farm but the same principle applies. Knowledge gives people the edge on success, a lack of knowledge leads to stagnation not growth.

1. Success Is Not An Accident.

The Farmville Secrets is an all in one strategy and techniques guide on how to be a successful farmer on Farmville. Success comes with hard work and knowledge. Without knowledge success is difficult to obtain. Farmville Secrets guide is a collection of information, tips and methods that makes success no longer elusive.

2. Real Success, Not Cheating To Succeed.

Farmville Secrets guide does not use cheats or hacks as a way to success. The concept is not to artificially become successful, at the risk of being banned. Instead it uses information, techniques and strategies that other players have used to become successful. The information within the guide is what people actually playing the game have come up with. That means that the information within the guide is something an individual could quite possibly discover on their own after an extensive amount of playing.

3. Bring Back The Fun To Farmville.

The Farmville Secrets guide is not about taking the fun or challenge out of the game. Instead it is about having the knowledge to play Farmville for fun without stressing about success. This Farmville guide is focused on providing clear cut strategies and methods to improve an individual's ability to play Farmville. This takes away stress and frustration that causes people to stop enjoying playing Farmville. It is more fun to focus on pimping out the farm instead of keeping plants from withering and selling off assets.

4. Have The Best By Being The Best.

Using the information within the Farmville guide lets players quickly obtain the visible signs of success, like a Villa, Windmill, Greenhouse and the best vehicles. Grow from a small farm to a successful Plantation with hundreds of animals. Spend time growing and developing, not struggling to get off the ground and have a successful crop. Making money to play with is easy when the methods, techniques and tips found in the guide are used.

Is Farmville Secrets a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Farmville Guide before you order!

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Monday, December 6, 2010

CDFinder - KMZ Export (de)

CDFinder 5.5 kann Photos mit Geotags auch in das populäre KMZ-Format exportieren. CDFinder ist ein Digital Asset Manager für den Macintosh und als CDWinder auch für Windows http . Die Software kann Daten aller Art (Photos, Songs, Filme, Dokumente) auf Datenträgern aller Art (Festplatten, CDs, DVDs, USB-Sticks, Server Volumes, etc.) katalogisieren und schnell finden. Durch die umfassende Unterstützung vom Metadaten (XMP, IPTC, EXIF, MP3, etc.) wird die Suche erleichtert.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shape Up Your Legs With Leg Sports

Often underestimate, but exercise plays an enormous part in the war against unbeautiful legs. Even if you are sporting your perfect weight, you may still have flabby and out of shape legs. Exercise can easily make a visible difference, creating legs that complement that great shape of yours. Even if your legs are naturally heavy but well toned with limber muscles, they will appear slimmer and tighter with an improved shape if leg sports are added to your daily regiment.

If you have toothpick thin legs, unfortunately leg sport exercises alone will not help. You will have to consider the inclusion of a wholesome healthy diet to bestow the needed curves and grace you desire. Most people hate exercise...I know that. But there are no shortcut ways to shape up your legs and show them off at their stunning best.

Give it a chance. Do not plunge into it, take it easy at first with light, short timed, introductory leg sport exercises. Remember to spend time stretching and doing warm ups before beginning the exercise side of your workout. You will experience and see better results if you spot exercise your legs as a part of a whole body exercise program. Exercise for six straight days taking off one day a week to rest.

A few good warm-up and cool-down exercise you may want to consider are; head rolls; shoulder lifts and rolls, arm and ankle circles, and side twists. This should prevent cramping and overheating during your workout.

Leg sport exercises you may wish to consider are walking, running, hiking, swimming, bicycle riding, cross-country skiing, jumping rope and dancing. Each of these leg sport calisthenics offer excellent benefits to any leg shape up routine. Walking, running and hiking are the most convenient, least expensive, and most popular of all the leg sports. You can start with walking and stick with it, or graduate to running if you wish. And if you like exploring the outdoors, there are countless ways you can incorporate walking and discovery of exciting and beautiful new places to come back and visit when more time is available for you.

You will need a good pair of walking or running shoes, light and comfortable clothing(depending on the season of the year it is) and a pair of sunglasses to protect you eyes, This is optional and also has to do with the time of day you begin your walk.

A fifteen to twenty minute outing each day, to start, is a reasonable pace, with a goal of working up to three miles in 45 minutes within four to six weeks. Before you begin to see results, you will notice how much better you feel as a result of this regiment. By the time your legs are in shape, you may well be hooked on this exercise routine. This is one of the great benefits of leg sports exercise.

Legs account for roughly half of your body weight and are one of your most visible assets. So if you have an image problem with your legs, try this shape up your legs program with leg sports.

G Harold, original author and creator of the infamous The Unclaimed Money Finders Guide - WSO, has published numerous other opinions you may or may not find interesting at The World According to G Harold.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

FilePathFinder BatchMode

FilePathFinder helps you with operations related to external files (eg. textures.IES files, pointcache files, Vray Proxies, MentalRay Proxies) in your scene. It allows you to relink, collect, sort bitmaps and other external files and search for missing assets. Full supported for Vray, MentalRay, GroundWiz and many-many other plug-ins, working with external links. Batch Mode for organize external files for your 3d Models Library More on

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Locr für Aperture (de)

Laden Sie Ihre Bilder direkt aus dem Profi-Programm Aperture auf den Locr-Server. Download: Wählen Sie dazu einfach ein Album, oder einige Bilder in Aperture aus. Dann benutzen Sie Exportieren/Locr im Ablage-Menü. Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein, und speichern Sie es im Schlüsselbund. Dieses Passwort wird auch von Locr für iPhoto und CDFinder benutzt, damit Sie es nur einmal eingeben müssen. In den Bildeinstellungen legen Sie fest, welchen Status Ihre Bilder auf Locr haben werden, und welche Bildgröße benutzt werden soll. Sie können Ihre Bilder auch in einem Locr-Album ablegen. Geben Sie dazu einfach einen neuen Namen ein, oder lassen Sie sich im Toolsmenü Ihre bereits vorhandenen Alben auf Locr anzeigen. Klicken jetzt Sie auf Exportieren, um Ihre Bilder hochzuladen. Im Gegensatz zu iPhoto geschieht das in Aperture im Hintergrund, Sie können also dabei weiterarbeiten. Wenn Sie auf dieses Feld klicken, sehen Sie, wie weit der Upload schon fortgeschritten ist, und könnten ihn hier auch stoppen. Die eventuell vorhandenen Geotags aller Bilder werden ebenso übertragen, wie die Stichworte und Beschreibungen. Nach dem Upload sehen Sie Ihre persönliche Locr-Seite, oder eine Liste aller Photos, die noch keine Geotags haben, damit Sie diese dann direkt bei Locr komfortabel taggen können. Für alle erfolgreich übertragenen Photos schreibt das Plugin auf Wunsch auch die URL der Bilder in das IPTC-Beschreibungsfeld. CDFinder ist ein ...

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Covered Call

Covered Call is an options strategy where an investor holds a long position in an asset or stock and writes (sells) call options on the same asset. This is also known as a "buy-write" strategy if this stock is purchased simultaneously when writing the call. Usually the stock is held in the same brokerage account from which the investor writes the option call.

This strategy is used when investor has neutral to bullish overview of underlying stock. Although they believe it has bullish overview in long term, investor also believe it will only have limited price change during the contract life or short term. So to gain additional income they sell call option.

This strategy can only offer limited protection from a decline in stock price and also limited profit when stock increase in price because it will need to cover the option. Investor can also get the benefits of underlying stock ownership, like dividends and voting rights.

To summarize it, covered call has limited profit and substantial loss probability. Maximum profit will happen if the price of stock you own is at or above the call option's strike price. Substantial loss will occur when stock price continues to decline with the written call expires. You can calculate your loss as the start stock price less its current market price, less the premium received from the sale of call option. Any loss from the stock is offset by the call option premium.

This strategy is often considered as conservative strategy. But this is not true. To have a profitable covered call strategy, investor need to guess correctly that share values will not drop significantly. I can say that this strategy is very dangerous because if stock sinks you could lose many money. So use this strategy when you are very certain that the price won't move a lot.

Make money with option. Learn more option strategies.

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